

This is a process of our protocol giving you a reward (a 0.X % for example) for keeping your CAT-tokens staked (sCAT).

Height of rebasing rewards

In the dashboard you can find the latest information about the rebases every moment. This reward are more sCAT, which you could keep (for compounding effect) or top-sell it as a profit part. We strongly discourage to unstake all your sCAT and selling it, so we advise to use your topped balance to keep staked (+3) or to top-sell it (and possibly re-use the gotten MIM to Mint again). Height of rebasing rewards The height of the rebases is (in relation to other DAOs) relatively low, but we rebase as twice as much (every 4 hours). Next to that, we try to keep the rebase-jumpers away for just hitting a rebase-reward en let the price on the market fluctuate. What we WILL do, is UNEXPECTEDLY INCREASE the rebase-reward tremendously for one or two rebases occasionally to give people who keep staking some rewards.


In future we will create airdrops for people with a snapshot of the blockchain which did not sell the token for a certain period. When this will happen, we will notify you through our official Discord.

Last updated